Monday, December 29, 2008
What's in that tube?
(I told him to look on the bright side-- at least his mouth was not itchy afterward!)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The next morning we packed up our campsite and headed south for our next destination, a beachfront town called Tizupan. We arrived and pulled up under a palapa where my parents have stayed in the past.
There was a guy named Gregory who was staying in the campsite next door and packing up his gear to continue on his trip south. He was from Boston and was traveling on just a motorcycle, hoping to end up south of the Panama Canal if he could figure out how to get his bike that far south. We chatted about his trip and our experiences and my parents recommended some other spots for him to stop during his travels.
We set up camp and had a quick lunch, then Mom, Dad & Phil all decided to head out surfing!
The beach was rocky so they walked down to the shore with their shoes and then I retrieved them and brought them back to the campsite while they surfed. The waves were not too big and perfect for Phil to learn on and Mom to practice on. Dad stayed farther away in areas where he could get slightly larger waves and would not be in the way of the other two.
They spent about an hour in the water and when they came in, their shoes were brought to them so that they would not have to endure the rocky shore on their bare feet.
After the surf session, Phil and I took a long walk on the beach. First we walked left to the end of the rocks but the walk was short and there were some fishermen catching bait in their nets and we didn't want to get in their way, so we decided to walk back past our campsite and walk all the way to the end of the beach in the other direction. During our entire trip, I was searching for heart-shaped rocks, and this walk was no exception. I even had my parents searching while they walked the beaches! We found a few good ones and also some really beautiful shells that we brought back with us- they were bright pink and they are kind of like a clam since they fold inward toward each other, and both sides of the shell are identical. The animals were already gone from the shell so we picked them up. We probably came back to Texas with 20 of them!
We returned to the campground and showered and got ready for dinner. As with every night, we watched the beautiful sunset.
We grilled game hens and had salad and toast with it, which was delicious. Afterward, I toasted marshmallows on the grill for dessert! This night was probably the most beautiful of them all- it's hard to tell from the photo but the sky was orange near the horizon but the moon and some stars were already visible, so the contrast was gorgeous!
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008
Phil was getting over 26 miles per gallon during the drive so we were very excited to have brought his car and not carry too much heavy luggage! We continued to drive through mountainous terrain and as we got close to the end of our travels for the day we got stopped and searched at a checkpoint. The officials were so professional and nice, and it was very quick and easy, so we felt completely at ease. We made it to Lagos De Morenos by 6:00 that evening and checked into our hotel which was only 260 pesos which translates to $20 per night! It was a very small room which fit just the furniture- a bed, TV, bedside table, and small desk and chair. There was a closet and a bathroom which was all open without a door to the shower so that when we took showers, everything in the room got wet! Luckily, my Mom had warned us not to leave our toilet paper in the room while showering because it would not be usable afterward since it would be soaking wet!
Around 1:00pm, we finally started seeing signs of the coast! We came across these huge fields of palm trees which were planted in perfect rows and they were so tall! Some of them were stripped of their coconuts which we could understand but some of the others had the entire tree cut down which we figured was for wood, but we did not know what coconut tree wood is used for... the trunks are so small!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
He Did It- 26.2!

Will he run another marathon? Probably so, but not just yet. He might try a 1/2 marathon next so he can work on improving his time and endure a less rigorous training course, but I'm sure this isn't the end of his running career. Just time for a little break.
Now, we get to pack for our Mexico trip! We leave in 11 days!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Here's our life, in a nutshell
There was that weekend in September where we celebrated Katherine's birthday by starting to drink at 5:30 with dinner, getting to the bar downtown by 8pm, and ending the night by midnight passed out in bed because we started too early, all with me wearing the skimpiest dress I've ever worn in public. But it was fun and we swore we were too old for this.
Then there was the weekend when we headed to Austin to Chuck-E-Cheese for Logan's birthday party. First we met up with Freddy for lunch and he showed us the greatness that is the reality TV show Tabatha's Salon Takeover. Such a guilty pleasure to watch and now we record all the episodes. We have "paid it forward" so to speak because we got Maria hooked when she came to visit!
There was also the Valero Texas Open that consumed Phil's life at the beginning of October. He is a co-chair of the Admissions & Will Call committee so he was heavily involved in the tournament preparations and actually spent most of his days there for about a full week. But really this just involved sitting in an air-conditioned RV where they had cable TV, free food and beverages, and free access to watch live golf at the tournament at any time.
The same week of VTO, my aunt and uncle came into town at the last minute on a Wednesday night which also happened to be one of the VTO events. So they joined us for that along with my other aunt, Carol, and then we all went to dinner at a new restaurant in town. It was so great to see them and we are actually headed to Port Aransas this weekend to spend more time with them before they sail away to the Bahamas for a few months on their boat.
The weekend of VTO this year also happened to be Alumni Weekend at Trinity so my friend Maria from college came to stay with us. We went out for lunch on Saturday to Beto's which became my new favorite place for Tacos Al Pastor! I also had a mojito with lunch which subsequently, combined with the massage chair and pedicure, made me very sleepy in the middle of the afternoon. Guess this is why we save our drinking for evenings.
Then there was two weekends ago when we went out with our friends Katherine & Jack to The Bonham, a gay bar downtown where one of my friends is a bartender, and he gave us a few too many free drinks and shots, making us again realize how we are getting way too old to take shots and drink this much.
So last weekend we played it low key and stayed in and watched the UT game at our house. Katherine and Jack brought their Chihuahua, Martini, over to play with Cooper which provided plenty of entertainment, rivaling the game actually.
I also got to see my friend Lena twice in the past few weeks which was so great. She was my college roommate and one of my closest friends but she moved back to Kuwait last year to be with her family. She came for just a few weeks and had to divide her time amongst all the many people who wanted to see her but I got her all to myself for a few hours one day at lunch and we had a mini-reunion with one of our college suitemates another night. I hope one day to go visit her so she doesn't always have to come here to see us!
Phil is still training for the marathon which is now less than a month away. He runs many times a week but does his long run on Sundays. He ran 22 miles last weekend on Sunday after running 5 miles the day before. I am so proud of his drive and determination to do this. Can't wait for race day!
I have been working a lot lately, either going into work early, staying late, or working weekends. Sometimes I come home from dinner and go back to the office and work into the evening. It's a good thing to be busy right now with the economy slow and people losing jobs so I am grateful to have the work and job security (knock on wood). Plus, the more I work, the more money I make so that is always a plus... and pretty good motivation!
This weekend we are headed, as previously mentioned, to Port Aransas to spend some time at the coast and with family. My parents will be joining us and we are staying at a condo that my aunt and uncle have reserved. Another aunt and uncle who live in Corpus are going to join us so it should be great. On Sunday we will drive to Houston to pick up Sam & Henna and bring them back to our house where they I am sure will be so glad to see Cooper and run around and poop in our back yard. We are happy to have them here and I am sure their owners will soon come and scoop up the back yard, right?!
So that is a recap of the last month and a half of our lives. We'll try to remember to take more photos to capture the events in our lives so our friends and family, avid readers of our blog, do not feel neglected anymore. With the election coming up, the marathon, and our trip to Mexico all in November, we should have enough going on to blog about!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Are we officialy OLD?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Four More Years!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Is there such thing as Olympics Fever?
The opening ceremonies last night were awesome. The "Birds Nest" stadium is a beautiful piece of architecture and the Chinese display of entertainment was fantastic.
I don't really consider myself an extremely patriotic person, but when an American is participating in virtually any event, you just have to cheer for them... whether you know the rules of the game, or have ever heard of that person before or not. Luckily, Team USA tends to be pretty strong in the events we like, so that helps.
Favorite events of ours include gymnastics, swimming, beach volleyball, water polo, track & field, basketball... luckily this only happens every 4 years because it's almost* enough athleticism to make me want to get off the couch, put down the ice cream, and exercise.
*Note the use of the word "almost".
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Chicken Fight!
The next thing you know, my competitive side came out...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My parents decided to evacuate to Mission, TX last week on Tuesday and stayed there as Dolly came ashore. They took my dad's boat, both of their cars, and their camper so that they could avoid any major damage to their valuable possessions. They got to Mission early enough to be able to enjoy the first day there, even spending some time by the pool at their hotel! On Wednesday, they stayed close to the TV to stay in touch with the latest with the storm, and when they were able to return to the island on Thursday after the storm, they returned to a sweltering hot island without power (this translates most importantly to air conditioning in July) although luckily they did have running water. Their condo, luckily, did not sustain any damage, although the rest of the island did not fare as well. All of the docks along the bay had been washed away by the storm, many of the power poles had been snapped in half, and many of the condos, restaurants, and homes had lost roofs and flooded. For some photos of the storm damage, click here.
We heard that the county parks were closed to the public and that since the surf was so dangerous, the police were arresting people who tried to go surfing!
My parents also experienced in the upper valley a desperate lack of gasoline, since most of the gas stations either didn't have power, or were sold out of gas. Basically, they were stuck in the valley for a day or two without any options of leaving! Finally, they were able to get gas and headed to Corpus to stay with family over the weekend in a more comfortable and air conditioned environment.
Finally this afternoon around 4:00pm, the power was restored to their condo so they have returned home. The docks at my dad's marina have almost already been completely re-built, so he may be able to start working again next week. They have cable, internet, and of course air conditioning. The county parks at the beaches have also been re-opened and my parents can make surf-checks, so all is well with their world, even though there is still quite a bit of construction and re-building to be done for many of the other residents on the island.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Run, Philip, Run!
He has already started training, and has a routine that he is settling into. This morning was his long run, which translated to 12.65 miles. The run took over 2 hours and he only walked 4 minutes of it; the rest was running!! He has been using his Polar heart rate monitor watch and it has a component that clips to his shoe to measure his stride and distance. This tool should really help him track his training between now and November.
I am so proud of him for doing this, since I am certainly not running right alongside him. I have no desire to mark this off my list of things to do before I die, so my plan is to make signs and hold them up during the marathon to show my support. I have been trying to think of some good running puns that also correspond to Rock 'n' Roll, so if you have any good suggestions for poster slogans, let me know!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Farewell, Awesome Blossom

Monday, July 21, 2008

Here you can see the battle wounds on my elbows, caused by the intense tube riding earlier in the day. (Looks like Greg's only battle wound was a little sunburn... clearly that's not the same thing.)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Reason #43 why I do not bake
Okay fine, here are the others (the 24th didn't make it) . I didn't want to subject you to this, but I know you would be thinking the other 4 were probably beautiful and I was being modest. You can clearly see that is NOT the case. Notice how some of them didn't even remain in their paper cupcake holder home? I should have known better than to volunteer to bring a baked good to a party. Obviously these could not make their debut in public for people I'd never met before to see.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
But it's not all fun and games for Cooper lately. This weekend we noticed that his front right paw was swolen and he continuously licked it all day Saturday. We began to get concerned because it got more and more red as he licked it. Overnight, it went down in size and color since he was not licking it but on Sunday he proceeded with the licking and it got worse again. On Monday evening I took him to PetSmart to get his nails clipped and have a vet take a look. There were not any doctors available so the next morning I called our vet and made an appointment for that afternoon. The vet was not able to diagnose the exact problem but gave us an ointment and a pill to give him which should help it heal in the next week or so. Because of all the licking, I was really hoping that we would not have to put one of those cone collars on him because I've always thought those were so cruel and just looking at them makes me sad. But as it turns out, that was exactly what the doctor ordered. So here is a photo of our little guy, sad as can be, with the cone around his neck. Of course, we had to buy him a toy to help ease the pain, and Phil fed him some potato chips.
In other Chihuahua news, Cooper's new friend Martini got a new polka dot dress while we were at PetSmart today that is ADORABLE!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I found this link while browsing another great website:
Monday, June 09, 2008
Tag- You're it!
Yesterday we were tagged. And because this serves as an easy blog post, and I feel obligated since I was tagged after all, I'm participating.
Rules: Answer the following questions about yourself. At the end of the post you pass on the questions to 6 other people. Write them a comment telling them that they've been tagged and ask them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know that you've accepted the challenge and refer to your post. Here it goes:
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago, I was 15 years old and it was summer. I couldn't drive yet and couldn't have a job. Most of my days were spent hanging out with Dana; summer band hadn't started yet (go ahead, laugh- get it out of your system). I had started "liking" Philip and we had become friends at school. Since I didn't have a car yet, I had lots of things I wanted to do but really no means to do them. I remember one day that summer I even convinced Phil to drive to Dairy Queen and drive all the way to my house and bring it to me; we didn't start dating until months later in October. I guess I should have known from that moment when the Blizzard was placed into my 15-year old hand what a sweetie he was and that it was TLA (true love always, for those who aren't fluent in the linguistics of a 15-year old).
2. Five items on today's "to do" list:
Dead-head the roses (done)
Water the flowers (done)
Take Cooper to get his nails clipped (done)
Call the vet about the bump on Cooper's paw (tomorrow morning, first thing)
Return dress to Banana Republic to get $109 refund (this week, for sure)
3. What snacks do you enjoy?
Food is the way to my heart. Yes, usually that is the old antic known for how to make a man fall in love with you, but it's also the way to make me love you. Phil knows to cheer me up is to get delicious food in my belly. So, the list will be long but I will do my best. Also, I am changing it to FOOD I enjoy rather than just snacks. I don't want to discriminate against non-snack foods as they bring me plenty of joy.
Home-made baked goods such as cupcakes, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, black cherry cobbler with chocolate chip ice cream on top; Multi-grain tortilla chips & guacamole; Geneva cookies; Chris Madrids' cheeseburger & fries; Which Wich's muffaletta; salt & vinegar chips; S'mores; S'mores flavored Chewy bars; Neopolitan ice cream (current flavor of choice but this changes periodically); Cherry Cordial ice cream (absolute favorite flavor but only available at Kroger which we don't have in SA); Hershey's Cookies N Cream candy bars; Corn Pops & Lucky Charms; artichokes......... the list could go on and on but I'll move on for your sake.
4. What would you do if you were a billionaire?
I would move to a beautiful house on the beach somewhere tropical but also have a jet that could take me to other more populated places (like a good mall) whenever my little heart desires. I would enjoy all my days with Phil & Cooper, and I would pay for my family and close friends to visit a few times a year at least, for those who don't move there with us. I would donate some of my millions to causes I support, and finally I would be the best gift giver, the one I've always wanted to be but haven't been!
Oh, and most importantly I would fly the taco stand lady from Belize to my new home on the beach and build her and her family a house on my property so she could make me those delicious tacos anytime I wanted. Served with Coke from a bottle, of course.
5. Where would you live?
Oops apparently I was supposed to save the tropical thing for this question. But it is part of my happy billionare life. And, I would travel often to other beautiful places in the world and do all the fun things on vacation since I can afford them!
According to the rules, I'm supposed to make six other people be "it" now. Here goes. Jennelle & Greg have already been tagged but they are one of our most bloggers of friends so they're getting tagged again. I am also tagging Jane, Felicity & Karthik, Brad & Stacy, and Amity & Randy. I know the last two haven't updated their blogs in over a year but what better time to start? Also, I know Brad has a great blog entry to post showing the photos of our house getting TP'ed. So now he has two.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Schlitter-boy we had a great Saturday!
After the water park, we decided so celebrate a successful day of bathing suit wearing by stuffing our faces with all things fried at Willie's for dinner. Phil and I had chicken strips and french fries (we got the kids size and neither of us could finish it... makes you really wonder) and a side of fried jalapenos and fried pickles. That's right, no bathing suits for us today, at least not in public. Phil also tried Pacifico beer for the first time and really liked it. He said it reminded him of Belikin, the beer we had in Belize. He still has that one Belikin in the fridge and he decided now is the time to open it since it's been over a year and he may not even remember correctly what a true Belekin tastes like. I think he's hoping as soon as he opens it we will be transported back to Belize and the delicious taco stands that come with it. Or maybe that's my hope. Let's crack it open!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tony Barker?
Doesn't he look handsome in his officially licensed NBA jersey?
And here he is at half-time after sinking a huge 3-pointer right at the buzzer. You'd be tired too.