Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New Discovery

For as long as I can remember, I have loved Samoas. Yes, the Girl Scout cookies that are so good that 'you always want samoa'. Get it? That was the witty sales pitch I admit to using more than once as a young girl in green trying to sell cookies. Samoas have always been my favorite of the GS cookies. One year for Valentine's Day my husband even bought me 2 cases of these cookies because of how much I love them! (...except he quickly learned that I could never eat that many cookies!) But it was a great idea because you can only get them once a year and feel like you need to stock up to make it through the year!

Flash forward to 2 weeks ago as I was walking through HEB, and a cookie package caught my eye, Keebler's Coconut Dreams. The package had an image of a cookie that looked like a Samoa and since Keebler is the creator of Grasshopper cookies which definitely can hold their own against Thin Mints, I decided to give them a try.

What a fantastic surprise! These cookies are delicious! While I have not done a side-by-side taste test to compare them to Samoas, they taste pretty darn close to the real thing. And just like Samoas, these cookies are extra good when cold, so I'm keeping my package (okay, to be fair, I'm on my 2nd package by now...) in the refrigerator.


RockheadedMama said...
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RockheadedMama said...

I think Girl Scouts cookies are on sale now? I hope you can find a Girl Scout that is trying to sell some. If you do, let me know.

Sue Adler said...

I'm pretty sure you could consider me a Girl Scout Cookie addict.