Thursday, April 07, 2011

We're Ready!

This pregnancy has been great. It has been fun, exciting, eye-opening, a learning experience, a bonding experience, and also tiring, scary, emotional, and stressful. Nine months (or ten actually!) have gone by with something new each day - the way the baby moves, maybe, or a new piece of advice from a friend or coworker - and we are now so ready for little Preston to arrive.

As of my last doctors appointment, I was 2 cm dialated and 80% effaced. She said she thought I would deliver about a week early, which would be around 4/15. I am not thrilled about my baby's birthday being on tax day, however, so I am doing lots of walking in the hopes that he will make his debut sooner! We have another appointment with the doctor tomorrow to see if anything has changed in the past week.

I must confess that I am getting a little nervous about how long labor will last and how painful it will be, but I know that it will be worth it in the end when my little baby boy is placed in my arms... right, moms? Plus, there is always the epidural to help with that!

There are a few things still on our to-do and to-purchase lists that we plan to tackle this weekend so that everything will be just right and we will feel ready when Preston blesses us with his presence. I don't think Phil is as worried about getting these last things done before Preston comes, so maybe that's just my nesting instinct kicking in. And to be truthful, he is probably right-- things like hanging pictures on the wall can probably wait... but of course I want everything to be perfect. :)


Rory-n-Jeremy said...

Good luck!! I'm routing for you! =) So exciting. Sorry, don't have any mom advice for you yet -- I'll be coming to you for that some day!

Lotte said...

Well, here it is: tax day! Is Preston here yet? If he is: congrats new parents, and I hope everything went well. If not: have a good delivery (and even if it's no fun at all, it's only one day, and you'd totally do it again for that sweet little baby). Hope to see pictures soon!
