Monday, August 28, 2006


Amity sure does know how to throw a party! And not to toot my own horn, but who else got photos of the decorations? Randy/Amity: 0, Lauren/Phil: 1. It's okay, I am sure that at the next family gathering you'll have your chance...

Moving on! the party was a success! And, our wonderful hostess made everything look so easy! Maybe I'll try hosting one of these myself one day. But I'll start off on a smaller scale...

Dinner was fantastic (and I can't forget dessert!), and the company was even better. Loved trading stories about childhood and hearing how everyone has different memories of how things happened. Very entertaining, but I of course stick by Phil's version of how it went... AND that he is the inventor of the do-it-yourself mechanic shop!


Diddy said...

Uhhh I think I have better photos I just have to find the time to post them!!

Diddy said...

THANK YOU!!! Because of our combined efforts, Karthik is going to grow his goatee back!!!! YIIIIIIPPPPEEEEE!!!!!!!