Monday, May 30, 2005

VEGAS WAS SO MUCH FUN! We made sure Jennelle celebrated to the fullest, and had some wonderful girly bonding time. I did not take my camera with me on Saturday night, and it seems I did not get any good group shots all weekend with me in them, but as soon as I get photos from all the other girls, I will be sure to post some cute ones. Here is a great photo from Sunday night on our way to the Bellagio (on a moving walkway... one great thing about Vegas is all the escalators!). It was ridiculously windy Sunday night-- they even cancelled the famous water show at the Bellagio-- hence, the windblown look. But don't they still look cute?!! L to R -- Ashley (maid of honor), Amanda (college roommate of bride), Jennelle (BRIDE), and Linda (sister of bride)


Anonymous said...

Looks like ya'll had some serious fun! Although, Philip didn't mention he was going to CC to me...hmmm, maybe THAT'S why he never called me back! What are his pictures of?

Lauren & Phil said...

Only one digital camera = VEGAS... no photos of Corpus, sorry to say. Plus I couldn't reach him all weekend until this morning anyway, so you're not alone in the no phone call category. Glad y'all got to chat today!

Lauren & Phil said...

I didn't gamble at all, even though Phil told me to gamble away $20 for him. I think I just got distracted by all the fun sights! The other girls gambled some at the swim-up blackjack tables and the night before I got there.