Saturday, July 29, 2006

Statistically speaking...

In response to recent comments about our need to update our blog, we have conducted a statistical analysis of blogging in the family over the past five months. As you can see from the data chart above, our hypothesis has been proven true. (Hypothesis: Lauren & Phil's blog has been updated much more frequently than the others, as a trend & total over time.)

Our data parameters began in March 2006, at which time the last female child in the family, Felicity, created a blog of her own. We counted the number of posts (only one post per day counted) and created the data table and corresponding chart above. We are not counting this post as part of our July count, and remember we still have two days left this month.

Clearly, our posting outnumbers anyone else's. I guess that just proves our life is soooo much more interesting than y'alls.

And, in response to your blog posts, nanny-nanny-boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo. ;)


Diddy said...

Lauren, I am completely speechless at your nerdiness. (So nerdy that I had to make up a word)

Diddy said...

Wait a minute!!! I have to disagree....this just means you have more time to post...proving the opposite. If you had a life you wouldn't have time to post. So ha!

Diddy said... long as I come in second!!!

Lauren & Phil said...

I agree. I actually did not include Stacy in the chart at first because she was not the one commenting that we need to post more often!! But Phil told me I should add her for comparison sake. In two months time she almost beat the pants off all of us, so I know if she had a computer this month she would be the definite winner. I can agree with that. But that just makes your sisters' numbers look even more sad.